Use new Firebase interfaces in AngularI wanted to use a firebase in a new angular project, but i struggle severals days to make evertything working together, due mainly to a new…Jul 7, 2023Jul 7, 2023
JuliaML — Flux a (very) beginner example — Part 3We’ve seen in part 1 and part 2, parameters to create regression line and how parameters influences final result.Jan 23, 2021Jan 23, 2021
JuliaML — Flux a (very) beginner example — Part 2After in Part 1 in which we’ve created a basic neural network for managing a regression line, let’s explore the variation of parameters.Jan 23, 2021Jan 23, 2021
JuliaML — Flux a (very) beginner exampleWhen i’ve tried the first time to use Flux, i face a challenge to understand how it works. I’ve tried neural networks in the mid-90s for…Jan 22, 2021Jan 22, 2021
NodeJS from Github with DockerTo build an image for a NodeJS app directly from Github in docker:Apr 14, 2020Apr 14, 2020